I have been married for 5 years now but canaltaronja.cat I got pregnant this year, I’m currently seven months pregnant. As I’m typing this, I don’t know if I should cry or not because my mind has been blank for three days. A few months back, I noticed my husband has been cheating on me but I never caught him red-handed. I knew he was cheating because anytime I visit his office which is the boy’s quarter in our house, I see used condoms, handcuffs, and dildos.
I was shocked at
first but when I asked him about it, he said he wanted to use them for both of us and that the condoms were the ones we used. Since I got pregnant, we haven’t used condoms that I know of, he said he uses it but I just didn’t notice. I traveled for a few days to see my mother since she was in the hospital so I stayed with her. I was beginning to feel pains in my stomach from the stress, so I went home early to surprise my husband.
Only for me to open the office and saw my husband being tied up in BDSM way with a dildo in his mouth and his best friend that did best man for us on our wedding day was fucking my husband in the ass. Yes, this sounds absurd but my husband of 5 years is queer, gay. The person I ride in bed is riding his best friend who is also married with 2 kids. My hand is shaking because the emotions I’m feeling now are not what I can explain.
This same man I married asks for sex whenever or wherever and I give it to him. We have sex in the car, at his office, and even at his parents’ house on new year’s day. He didn’t even cheat on me with a woman but he cheated on me with a man. He has been calling me for 2 weeks now, I haven’t told anyone yet except my sister and her daughter. I haven’t even told his bestie’s wife

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that I saw our husband having BDSM sex.
How do I say it? This thing is like a film to my eyes, I never still know the place where I go wrong in this marriage. I’m pregnant and married to a gay man, please help me Nigerians. My husband isn’t even feminine he is muscular and very hefty.
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